The incorporated name of the Church is Nhom Yeu Thuong, Inc. It shall operate and be published doing business as: Vietnamese Agape Church in Los Lunas. It shall be referred hereinafter as “The Church.” The principle office of the corporation shall be located at 3560 Stetson SW, Los Lunas, NM.
The Vietnamese Agape Church in Los Lunas believes in the following core beliefs:
- The entire “Baptist Faith & Message – 2000”;
- The entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is infallible Word of God;
- All have sin and fall short to the glory of God;
- Salvation is by the grace of God and through faith in Christ Jesus. Salvation is a gift from God and not earned by works;
- Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice for sin, and rose from the dead, to become the only means of salvation for fallen humanity. He promised to return in glory to establish the Kingdom of God, and ascended to the right hand of God, from where He sent the holy Spirit to all who believe;
- Repentance and personal acceptance of Jesus as Messiah and Lord are necessary for salvation;
- The church is the community of brothers, and sisters in Christ who have a common faith in salvation through Jesus Christ and are all baptized by the Holy Spirit;
- God wonderfully and immutably created each person as distinctly male or female (Gen. 1:26-31; 2:18-25; 5:1, 2). These two distinct and complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. To reject one’s biological gender is a rejection of the image of God within that person and is a sin against God.;
- Marriage was created and sanctioned by God in which God joins one man and one woman in a single and exclusive union. (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4-6);
- God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. Any form of sexual intimacy outside of marriage is sexually immoral and is sin against God. (1 Cor. 6:15-7:6; Eph. 5:3-7) Sexual immorality includes, but is not limited to adultery, fornication, homosexual conduct, and pornography;
- The Church only organizes weddings for couples who meet all of the core beliefs in Section 2 – Message of Faith of this By-law;
- God offers forgiveness, redemption, transformation, and restoration to all who confess and repent from their sin and humbly ask for His forgiveness through Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:11).
a. Everyone can become a member of the Church (official church member) when they meet the following conditions:
- Sincerely believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life
- Agree with “The Baptist Faith & Message”
- Pledge to obey the Church’s By Law
- Publicly express faith in Jesus Christ through baptism by immersion in water
- Regulary participate in face-to-face or online with the Church for at least three (3) months.
b. Believers from other churches can become members of the church under the conditions below:
- Openly believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life before the Church and agree to all the conditions stated in part II, Section 1, and Article a.
- Through a letter of introduction or certificate of belief in Jesus Christ and Baptism from a church with the same doctrine. Agree to all the conditions stated in part II, Section 1, and Article a.
c. Church membership conditions will be reviewed in January every year.
d. If there is disagreement regarding an individual’s membership in The Church, the Pastor and the Executive Board will review and make a recommendation within thirty (30) days. The status of the church membership will be defined following the guideline in Section 5 of this By-law.
- The Church will consider removing the Church membership of individuals if one of the following conditions occurs based on the provisions in Part 6 of these Rules:
- No longer active with the Church (in person or online) within 6 months and without any notification or explanation to the Pastor and the Executive Board
- Move to another church and notify the Pastor and the Executive Board
- Committing major sins, affecting the faith of God’s children, affecting the name of God and the Church. After the Church had applied the approach taught in Matthew 18:15-17, this person still did not repent and turn away from sin.
- Objection and disagreement with the “Baptist Faith and Message 2000” and the Church’s Bylaws.
- The Church has only two positions: Pastor and Deacon. These two titles are ordained according to the rite of laying on of hands in prayer as instructed in the Bible Acts 6:6. The Pastor and the Deacons should make every effort to live according to the teaching found in 1 Timothy 3:1-13.
- Executive Board, Worship Group, Men’s Group (if any), Women’s Group (if any), Adult Group (if any), Youth Group (if any), Children’s Group (if any), Visitation Group (if any), Mission Group (if any), … are groups operating in the Church to carry out specific purposes and depending on the specific needs of the Church. The establishment of these groups depends entirely on the needs of the Church.
- These Groups work to nurture and care for the faith of God’s children in the Church and testify about Jesus to the lost people.
- These Groups have their own organizational structures depending on the specific conditions of the group
- These Groups can report their activities to the Church but are not required to
- These Groups should have a group leader to guide the group but it is not required.
- If there are group leaders in a group, these positions “should” follow the Church’s “two-year term” regulations.
- The Church encourages all the Groups to have at least two people serving the same job
- Only members of the Church have the right to vote on church affairs. Church membership is defined in Section 3 of these bylaws.
- All affairs in the Church are decided by the Church through secret voting, which is anonymous voting
- MSQN and the Executive Board are responsible for carefully preparing and presenting to the Church the issues that need to be voted on. The voting will take place as quickly as one week from the time MSQN and the Board of Directors present it to the Church.
- Voting will take place online in an anonymous form. Results are continuously updated to all members of the Church
- The vote is passed if at least 2/3 members of the Church agree. If an item is not approved after voting, the Pastor and the Executive Board will review, edit, and present it to the Church for re-voting no later than one week from the time the issue was veto
The Pastor is anointed by God to shepherd God’s flock. MSQN are invited by the Church from another place or elected from within the Church, then ordained according to the prayer-laying-on-hands rite guided in the book of Acts 6:6.
The term of office of the Pastor is entirely determined by the agreement between the Church and the Pastor. However, the Church will reevaluate the Pastor’s position every 4 years. If no consensus can be found between the Pastor and the Church, the Church will vote to make the final decision. This entire process is complied with the voting instructions in section 6 of these Rules.
Pastor must strive to live and meet the requirements taught in 1-Timothy 3:1-7.
MSQN is responsible to the Church for the following issues:
- Be honest and responsible before God to teach God’s word every Sunday morning before the Church. Pastor must be responsible for answering questions for God’s children on all issues related to the Bible.
- Responsible for core doctrine, core beliefs, church worship, and inviting speakers. Pastor is also primarily responsible for the vision of the Church.
- Be responsible to the Church for all activities, members, organization, and finances of the Church. Pastor must also represent the Church before the law
- Perform rituals for God’s children in the Church if necessary such as funerals, weddings, …
- Mainly responsible for making disciples and preparing successor classes to take care of the work of the Church.
- Mainly responsible for fellowship with churches in the region and within the same Southern Baptist church.
This by-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new by-laws may be adopted by an unanimous consent of the Church following the guideline in Section 5 of this By-laws
Adopted by the Church