- Salvation is by the grace of God and through faith in Christ Jesus. Salvation is a gift from Godand not earned by works.
- The Bible is the living Word of God and it has the absolute authority from God.
- The church is the community of brothers, and sisters in Christ who have a common faith in salvation through Jesus Christ and are all baptized by the Holy Spirit.
- Vietnamese Agape Group (VAG) does not own any property or has a permanent house of worship in the USA.
- At least 85% of VAG’s funds will be used directly toward expanding the Kingdom of God such as but not limited to evangelism, member caring, training, sending, collaborating with other churches, charity, etc.
- Internet is the primary channel in spreading the Gospel.
- VAG cooperates closely with like-minded organizations and local churches, with the focus on churches in remote areas of Vietnam to spread the Gospel.